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Promet Named among Top Illinois Web Developers for 2022

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Top Web Developer

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Over the past 12 months more clients than ever before have taken the initiative to give Promet Source rave and substantive reviews on Clutch, and we were thrilled to learn when Clutch announced it’s Leaders Awards last week, that Promet was named among the Top Web Developers in Illinois for 2022.  

The Clutch Leaders Awards recognize companies' commitment to building their expertise, providing stellar customer service and producing high-quality results.

Clutch is an important, B2B research, review, and rating company that helps organizations to identify and evaluate providers for for services such as web design and development, business services and IT – serving essentially as a Yelp for B2B. With more than 98,000 reviews on the site, more than 1 million customers use Clutch each month to connect with a business partner.

As Andy Kucharski, Promet’s President recently pointed out: “Clutch serves prospective clients with a depth and breadth of unbiased information that proves essential in their decision-making. In the current digital business climate, an organization's website is key among its most essential assets, and we are thrilled for the opportunity to partner with Clutch in providing access to essential information for optimal decision making.”

We are deeply grateful to our clients for their trust and support, especially those who took the time to leave us a review on our Clutch profile!

Here's a snippet from a recent Clutch review: 

Promet Source offers world-class project management. They’re the best organization I’ve ever worked with.

                                     -- Ravi Singh, Director of Streaming Platforms, Knowledge Network.


Interested in learning first-hand what world-class project management is all about, Contact us today!

Cassey smiling

Cassey leads the Promet Marketing team, drawing upon more than 15 year of experience in marketing and development within the public, private and non-profit sectors for multiple industries.