AI for Drupal Sites: To the Next Level and Beyond

2023 is shaping up as the year that the concept of artificial intelligence catapulted past the hype and into the mainstream of life and work – as well as Drupal development.
A far-reaching process that integrates massive quantities of data for correlations and patterns, AI taps into many disciplines and is characterized by:
- An ability to learn and get smarter with data acquired from every interaction, based on rules, called algorithms, which provide instructions for finding answers or solving problems;
- Cognitive capabilities for selecting the appropriate algorithms;
- Creative potential, also known as generative AI, that draws upon multiple AI systems to generate unique images, content, audio, videos, simulations, and code.
Two of the most ubiquitous examples of AI are voice activated assistants such as Siri and Alexa, and pop up web chatbots that offer offer conversational text exchanges to help users find information or navigate a site.
Beyond the Basic Chatbot
The Drupal Chatbot module uses Dialogflow as its NLP (Natural Language Processing) agent. It enables the set up of a text or voice enabled chatbot, interacting with the user as a connector between Drupal and NLP. It can be extended to accommodate additional functions that include Search by Title, Latest Articles Search, and Latest Pages.
ChatGPT (generative pretrained transformer) is the source of much of the current excitement surrounding AI. A free chatbot developed by Open AI and designed to generate an answer to virtually any question thrown its way, ChatGPT was released in November 2022, and more than 1 million people signed up to use it within five days.
Next-level ChatGPT capabilities are now available within Drupal.
Drupal Search Integration with Chat GPT
OpenAI is enabling ChatGPT Search Integration with Drupal. While this capability is still in its alpha version, it is on a rapid evolution trajectory. Some of the interesting features/sub-modules that are available:
- Openai_ckeditor adds a CKEditor button to insert prompts and get text completions back from OpenAI as a typing assistant.
- Openai_chatgpt leverages ChatGPT for editorial advice.
- Openai_content adds a "Summarize" and "Suggest taxonomy" feature on nodes to help generate summaries and potential taxonomy terms to categorize the page, serving as a valuable jumpstart for content editors.
Generative AI for Drupal Image Creation
AI is transforming possibilities for images, known as “asset” in the language of Drupal.
Below is an an example of an AI generated image.
A search within Canva for “college going multi skin color students with happy faces and books in hand” resulted in a realistic AI generated image – not actual human faces – that fit the description.
Another example of an AI powered image search via Canva: ”tree leaves orange and yellow color in a forest in morning sunshine.”
Three additional text-to-image AI tools:
Dall-E2, is an AI system that can create unique, high-quality, and realistic images from text.
Simplified is another AI text to art generation tool that points to its applicability for social media posts, advertisements, blogs, handbook covers.
NightCafe promotes possibilities for “creating a masterpiece,” leveraging a wide range of AI techniques, including Neural Style Transfer.
AI for Content Creation
Another entire AI frontier for Drupal sites is content creation. Jasper is among a host of emerging AI tools designed to generate content that can populate web pages and accelerate the creation of social posts, along with an array of other content-related functions.
Textmetrics (formerly webtexttool) is an AI powered tool designed to create search engine optimized web content, with real-time suggesting for writing quality content that aligns with the needs and interests of the target audience.
Broad Scope of Cognitive Capabilities
Azure Cognitive Services API. Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services integrates machine learning APIs to enable Drupal developers to integrate features, such as emotions; facial, speech and vision recognition; and speech and language understanding into Drupal applications. Specific modules enabled by this API:
- Face API Module
- Emotion Recognition API Module
- Computer Vision API Module
- Azure Text Analytics API Module
Alternative Text
The Drupal Automatic Alternative Text module leverages the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services API to generate an image caption, when no Alternative Text has been provided – identifying dominant and accent color and describing an image with complete English sentences.
Enhanced Search
Search API Solr NLP adds some new full text field types to Solr config sets. The resulting data stored in the index is great source for features like auto complete or spell check.
Rapid evolutions within the wide-ranging AI field are sparking transformative possibilities for Drupal sites and all digital capabilities. On the front lines of what’s new and next, we at Promet Source are available to talk right now about AI features and functions that can take your website to the next level and beyond.
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