Things We Love at Promet Source

The past 12 months have presented lots of opportunities for looking at life and work through a different lens. Many of us have gained a newfound gratitude for the people, perspectives, and technologies that have sparked new possibilities and powered us through.
Love is in the air as Valentine's Day approaches and here at Promet Source, we thought we'd take this opportunity to share an inside look at some of new inspiration, developments, and tools that we've come to love lately.
1. Haben: The Deafblind Women Who Conquered Harvard Law
- Denise Erazmus, Accessibility Specialist
This is the memoir by Haben Girma, who is the first deafblind student to graduate from Harvard Law.
So much of what we focus on as web accessibility specialists is empathizing with differently abled people in order to understand how they consume content. This book gave me even more insight into that experience by showing a picture of a girl born deaf, who goes through the process of losing her sight, but not her drive to succeed. The memoir also helped to further raise my awareness of what members of the disabled community can accomplish, which I believe is absolutely anything.
2. The New, Accessible White House Website
- Peter Ross, Senior UI/UX Designer
I love all of the design and accessibility features of the new I also love that a Spanish-language version has been reinstated into the WordPress CMS. The layout is clean and reads much more like a news site.

3. CrossFit. Definitely CrossFit
- Andrew Kucharski, President
I love CrossFit because it kicks my butt. It sharpens my focus for all aspects of my life and it has moved me beyond wellness into fitness. Plus: I get the self satisfaction of being disciplined enough to stay at it. Every. Single. Day.
4. Dual Monitors!
- Chris O'Donnell, Digital Strategist
I love dual monitors. I have no idea how I worked with a single monitor for most of my life. I'm planning to get a KVM switch so I can share my second monitor with my Linux PC and have two monitors on my personal set-up too.

5. The Snapchat Filter for Zoom
- Chris Sensat, Graphic Designer
I love the Snapchat filter for Zoom. Remote meetings can take on a whole new life when there's the option of showing up for a moment or two from the beach, as a bandit, or as an alien, or with a cat on your head.
6. Provus
- Aaron Couch, Director of Technology Solutions
We're just getting started, and I love all of the new possibilities that Promet's Open Source, drag-and-drop page building solution is creating. Provus is giving marketers and content editors the keys to take ownership of their websites with the ability to easily build pages, revise page designs, and a lot more.
7. LastPass
- Patti Cardiff, Director of Support Services
I love LastPass! I have a zillion client passwords to keep up with. LastPass makes my processes much, much faster!
8. The Drupal Community!
- Danita Bowman, Drupal Trainer
Until you are actually a participating member, it's hard to realize how awesome the Drupal community is and how much there is to love—the support, the inclusivity, the way this amazing worldwide team is committed to helping each other, and the continuous contributions to making Drupal a better CMS for all.
9. Sketch for Teams
- Mic Seaton, Senior UI/UX Designer
Sketch for Teams allows for amazing new possibilities that includes seamlessly sharing designs with stakeholders, sharing feedback within the team, prototyping previews for user testing and research, and staying organized!
10. Google Data Studio
- Ishmael Fusilero, Digital Marketing Analyst
I love the depth and breadth of intelligence that's available from Data Studio. We leverage Data Studio internally, and the tool also helps us to offer our SEO and analytics clients highly precise levels of insights and recommendations.
At Promet Source, we're a diverse team of experts with passions that run deep and wide. What unites us is our enthusiasm for igniting new digital possibilities for our clients. Let us know what we can do for you!
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