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More so than ever before, the public sector is relying on websites to handle a depth and breadth of heavy lifting —serving as a central information hub, providing a venue for taking care of official business, advancing civic pride, alerting citizens to weather and public health emergencies, and a… Read More
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Covid-19 has upended daily life, and in many cases, revealed trends that were a long time in the making.    Work-at-home requirements brought the essential need for online connections and services to the forefront.    More so than ever before, county and municipal government… Read More
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Town square
A crisis can put a website to the test, and never has this been truer than in the current COVID-19 outbreak. As social distancing and stay-at-home orders are fueling a heavier than usual reliance on online communications, people are looking to state and local websites for up-to-date and… Read More
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Martin County Florida website
At Promet Source, conversations with clients and among co-workers tend to revolve around various aspects of compliance, user experience, site navigation, and design clarity. We need a common nomenclature for referring to interface elements, which leads us to question of who makes this stuff up… Read More
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The U.S. House of Representatives is the latest, large government organization to transition their online presence to Drupal. It’s no small project, however, considering the House currently hosts approximately 520 unique sites on a combination of over a dozen proprietary and open source content… Read More
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House of Representatives
DRT Strategies recommended Drupal and selected Promet Source to support the launch of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website and lead the development of SBA Direct. SBA Direct is the transformational application that empowers small business owners to personalize their user experience… Read More
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Come in we're a small business sign